miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Ángel Eduardo Marín Quintero, Gana Concurso de Bloggeros convocados por Estrategias & Negocios en América latina

Ángel Eduardo Marín Quintero
"Ellos decidieron dejar de ser espectadores de la historia y se convirtieron en protagonistas. Rodrigo Barraza (El Salvador), Gabriel Gutiérrez (El Salvador), Ángel Marín (Colombia) y Javier Angulo (El Salvador) forman parte del entusiasta grupo de jóvenes centroamericanos y también de América Latina que respondieron al llamado de Estrategia & Negocios y participaron del concurso para columnistas y bloggeros. Por obtener el primer premio (compartido) en las categorías de Columnistas y Bloggeros, recibirán un reconocimiento monetario de US$1,500 cada uno.
Además, sus artículos serán publicados en la versión impresa de Estrategia & Negocios (columnista) y en la página Web estrategiaynegocios.net
Otros dos concursantes fueron seleccionados como finalistas y aunque no recibirán premio monetario, sus artículos serán publicados en la plataforma de E&N. Ellos son Manuel Larreátegui (Panamá) y Felipe A. Torres Aranda (Chile/El Salvador)".
Ver mayor información de clic sobre el link, que aparece a continuación.
Desde este Blog Honda Histórica y Cultural enviamos las más sinceras FELICITACIONES, por este segundo merito internacional. A nuestro apreciado amigo, quien se abre puertas intelectualmente a nivel internacional, nos referimos a;
Orgullo de
Fresno y Honda
Ángel, estudio en COREDUCACIÓN, vinculado junto con su madre la Docente Martha Quintero y su hermano a Honda, desde hace mucho tiempo. Ha sido Miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Cámara de Comercio de Honda (Al comienzo fue suplente de Tiberio Murcia Godoy), Miembro de la Junta Directiva del Hospital San Juan de Dios de Honda y un lider nato del Norte del Tolima. Ingeniero de sistemas, y en la actualidad cursa en Bogotá un Master en Dirección Estratégica. Es Miembro del Movimiento Mundial de Jóvenes para la Democracia. Gano con el texto "La realidad política colombiana", felizmente casado y es padre de una hermosa chiquilla.
Las puertas del EXITO, se abren cada día a Ángel Eduardo Marín Quintero, con disciplina, teson y esfuerzo lo está logrando.
A continuacion referencia tomada de la World Youth Movement for Democracy
Angel Marin:
Name: Angel Eduardo Marin Quintero
Country: Colombia
Age: 30years old
Language: Spanish, English
Relevant Experience:·
Member, founder and Executive Director of “Corporación Educación y Democracia”, a Colombian NGO that works to strengthen the skills and abilities that require the most vulnerable people to participate effectively in a democratic system.
· Active member of the Latin America and Caribbean Network for Democracy.
· Active member of the World Youth Movement for Democracy.
· Active member of the World Movement for Democracy.
· Regional winner for Latin America and Caribbean of the Essay Contest held by the World Youth Movement for Democracy in 2009.
· Attended the Sixth Assembly of the World Movement for Democracy in Indonesia.
· Volunteer selected to write the conclusion paper of the essays of the WYMD contest for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Why do you want to serve on the Board?
Before the Essay Contest of the WYMD and the Sixth Assembly of World Movement for Democracy, I never participated in democracy work. After this amazing experience I want to be part of every action, of every scenario, to make this world more participatory, more democratic, and more happy.
I am a very entrepreneurial person, my objective is to participate actively in all scenarios that seek to build democracy in the world. I have a daughter that is 9 months old, I want for her a world where the people respect different opinions, where you can think differently, and where your actions can transform your own reality using democratic mechanisms.
I want to serve on the board, because I have a lot to learn, and a lot to teach too.
What skills can you contribute to the leadership and objectives of the network?My ability to analyze and understand the political realities in our hemisphere, and the ability to conclude what young people feel and understand of the political system in which we have grown up. This is obvious in the essay that I wrote and that won the contest organized by the World Youth Movement for Democracy. Likewise, I have a tireless interest in contributing to the construction of democratic opinion and scenarios in Latin America and the Caribbean.
I have a high knowledge of technologies of communication and information because I am a system engineer, and I have a lot of experience in the use of internet to build virtual social networks.
What do you envision for the future of the WYMD?
The WYMD is growing up quickly, becoming an important organization, with voice, with relevance, with transcendence, showing to young people that we can transform the world, not only for us, but for the people that arrived at this planet before us, and the children that will be here when we are gone.
And of course I want to participate in this!!!
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